The Invade Bio Cleaner Drain Gel eliminates tough grease and unpleasant drain odours at the source. The gel compound utilizes advance formula of microbes and citrus oil to coat drains, and cut through the scum and organic materials. Also the gel prevents costly blockages when used regularly and leaves your drain smelling like fresh citrus fruit. Please read product label before using, and keep the cleaning solvent away from toddlers and young children. Use gloves for cleaning is recommended. Perfect for sink use in Pubs, Nightclubs, Restaurants, Hotels, Bars and Function & Event spaces.
– Concentrated drain liquid for controlling insects, fruit vinegar flies and their eggs
– Keeps your establishment insect free
For best results, use Invade when drains will not be used for a period of time. We recommend treating drains at night. It is also safe and effective to use in mop buckets and trash chutes and urinals.
- No harsh chemicals or odours
- For application directly to drains
- May apply to power sprayers, hose-end sprayers and mopping applications
- Works great in beverage fountain drip tray lines, dissolve dirt at the clog lines.
Item-Invade Fruit Vinegar Fly and Insect Killer-Code-Chem-Invade
Style-Gel Orange
Size-1 lt /1000ml
Use with Airomist spray for complete control of flying insects and their eggs.
Delivery- Fast Shipping
Pick up- Non Contact pick up available- Office will confirm collection time and day