Whether you have fruit trees, vegetable patches, or any other crops, this net will keep those hungry birds at bay, allowing your plants to flourish.
Despite its name, we're actually bird-friendly. Our netting features diamond-shaped holes no larger than 5x5mm, designed to comply with household fruit netting laws while safeguarding our feathered friends from entanglement. To further reduce this risk, we highly recommend stretching the netting taut over a frame and securing it snugly with ties, clips, or weights to ensure it stays in place. Regularly checking the netting adds an extra layer of protection and peace of mind. Created from durable, UV-resistant plastic with a high tensile strength, this netting is built to withstand the heat of the Australian growing season, providing reliable protection season after season.
Item-Netting Anti Bird For Backyard Code-NETTING-0331907
Size-2.5 x 2.5 x 5mm
Delivery-Fast Shipping
Pick Up-Non contact click and collect available